Monday, August 11, 2008

Tony Breaks Bricks

This weekends Karate demo went fabulously. I am so excited for my husband and the students. I enjoyed watching them during their training and as they learned more from God's word and object lessons. I have to say it will stay with me for a long time. My husband had never broken bricks before Saturday. Steve had him break a stack of three earlier in the day and then during the demo for the church and community he broke a stack of four. I was just sooo excited for him. It is tradition to keep your first board that you break. I asked Tony if that meant we were going to be keeping six pieces of broken brick. He giggled and said no that they would go in the trash.

I will be posting different pictures in the future.


Richard-n-Candace said...

Wow pretty impressive.. I would be scared of him if you ever make him really really upset.. HOpe you guys are doing wonderful...

I am truly blessed said...

ouch is all I have to say. Pretty cool!! Way to go for him. how are you guys doing!?!

Jenny said...

WWWhhhhooaaa. That is cool.

Valued & Vulnerable said...

Tony was scary before he could break bricks! Yikes!
Miss you all