Thursday, November 22, 2007


What a wonderful day I have had sharing it with my husband, kids and sweet friends from church! I have so so much to be thankful for in my life. I started reflecting on Wednesday while making pies for dessert today. I praise the Lord for so much, I have been thinking about my parents so much the last couple of days. This year since we moved we were not able to share Thanksgiving with Dad and Mom H. I can not think of the last time I shared it with my Momma P.(Due to the jobs and location) Each of my parents bring something different to my life, but it is because their guidance as a child or now as adult that I am where I am at today. Thank you for that!

I am thankful for my husband, he loves me unconditionally, he is a strong leader and loves the Lord. We are partners for life working together as one through anything that comes our way. I know not every woman can say that. I am BLESSED!

I am so thankful for my children. The Lord knows that I love my children. I am so thankful to have each of them. That was my dream as a child was not to be a doctor, nurse, or secretary but to be a Mom. Being a Mom is not always a easy job but it is a job that has the highest pay. It is not money it is blessings.

Most of all I am thankful for Jesus Christ who died for me. I am thankful that he took and paid for my sin so I do not have to suffer in Hell when I die. For that matter I have the Lord to lean on at any moment in time. Just like my parents who would be here in a millisecond if I ever needed them Christ can be here even faster! That is just unreal to me at times.


Jenny said...

Awww... what a sweet and encouraging blog entry! I love it. Yes, we sure do have so much to be thankful for when we really stop to think about it. Thank you for encouraging me to think of that today. :) So glad you had a good Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

Hey, what about "I am thankful for my wonderful friend, Terri!" He He!