Thursday, March 1, 2012

Just A Quick Shave

Caleb loves to watch Daddy shave on Sunday mornings.  While at the store one day we seen a kids shaver and cream.  Of course the razor didn't have a blade, totlally safe for little monkeys. I didn't buy it that day, but a few weeks later.  Can I just say the joy that was on his face when I brought the shaving set home for him was priceless.  Watching Caleb shave with his Daddy was so sweet to watch!  He makes me giggle, he can imitate shaving like Daddy.  Here are a few pictures so you can see his cuteness also!!
All lathered up.

Look at me, I am shaving just like Daddy!

Just checking to make sure I got it all!
Ah, Daddy is here to help!


Jenny said...

Super cute! Thanks for sharing!

Rachel Rose said...

so awesome! james likes to pretend he is putting together computers when ever daddy is working on them... where did you find the shave kit? id love to get one for james!