Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Pizo Life

Not a ton of new things going on here in our home. We are finishing up the school year late this year. Courtney does not get out till the 24th of June. We had a awful ice storm here in December and it set things back further than if it were just regular snow days to be accounted for. Next year Tony and I have decided to home school the girls. In all honesty I am nervous but I know it is the best choice for the kids and for that I am excited!

We have a offer on a house. We are exited for this new step in our lives. We have prayed so hard for the right direction and Tony feels this is the way to lead the family. This will be the first time I have laid any permanent roots down since I was 13 years old. (My Dad joined the Navy when I was that age.) We will hopefully know the final answer with in the week. But I am told it all looks very promising. I will post pictures when and if things come through.

I am going to see my sister in June. She is getting married. I am very excited for her and it will be a exciting time to see her start a new chapter in her life. I love her dearly and wish her all the best in the world.

Other than that I have taken up joging. That is hard work for me but I am trying hard to be consistant and I am working towards 6 miles by the fall and a half marathon in the spring. Why you ask? Well mostly so I can prove to myself that I can do it! This has also been helping me to get my weight off. My honey has been very encouraging of my goals and gives me little tips here and there. Courtney is a blessing also reminding me how far I have come. Not to mention a few gals at my church who ask me how I am doing and how far I have jogged that week. I love that they ask me it keeps me accountable. I know I want to be healthy and a good example to my children. So for me this is a priority.

I hope things are going well for you all! I am sorry that the posts have been few and far between. Sometimes I feel like I do not have a lot of new things to share I will try to be better about that.

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