Monday, August 24, 2009

Good Job Grandpa

Gracie was keeping a close eye on Grandpa while he was helping Daddy raise a cabinet so that the microwave would not be so close to my stove. (By the way they did a FABULOUS job!) She was so interested in what they were doing. So cute. I have similar memories of Courtney watching Grandpa while changing a heating element in the stove for Mom.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Grandma Love

The kids have been delighted that Dad and Mom Heilman have been in the area for the summer. This was the first time they were able to come down. Also the first time they were able to meet Caleb. It was a sweet day. We have had many more sweet days.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Caleb Makes a Basket

My sweet little man turned "2" on the 20th of July. He got a basketball hoop from Grandma and Grandpa Heilman. He loves balls and blocks. Tony and I gave him a couple of different balls along with some new blocks. That night he slept with all three balls. It is amazing how fast time goes by!