Thursday, March 1, 2012

Just A Quick Shave

Caleb loves to watch Daddy shave on Sunday mornings.  While at the store one day we seen a kids shaver and cream.  Of course the razor didn't have a blade, totlally safe for little monkeys. I didn't buy it that day, but a few weeks later.  Can I just say the joy that was on his face when I brought the shaving set home for him was priceless.  Watching Caleb shave with his Daddy was so sweet to watch!  He makes me giggle, he can imitate shaving like Daddy.  Here are a few pictures so you can see his cuteness also!!
All lathered up.

Look at me, I am shaving just like Daddy!

Just checking to make sure I got it all!
Ah, Daddy is here to help!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


   Is it possible? Snow!!  Finally a layer of the white stuff to play in.  It has been an odd winter for the North East. I know that so many people can live with out the fluffy white stuff, but for the most part I really enjoy it.

  The kids were so excited to see the white covered ground when they woke up this morning. Caleb screamed with excitement just at the thought of wearing his new snow pants. (A brand new pair that was in the box of hand-me-downs we received from VA.) So after getting a few things done around the house they all three got bundled up and headed out for some fun. I missed the opportunity to take pictures of Courtney having fun, so most of them are of the younger two monkeys. Courtney wanted to help with shoveling the drive way. (Because of my back issues, Tony has laid the law down that the shovel and I are no longer allowed to be friends. While this sounds like a fabulous idea to some, it makes me feel bad that I can not help him. I know that he is protecting me and any further drama in the back area and I am thankful)

   Caleb gets more and more bold each year in his sleding adventures. All I hear now is giggles as he flies down the hill.  Courtney challenges both the younger two to try going head first and now they both will humor her at least once.  Enjoy the pictures.  I am sure or maybe I should say I hope there is another chance for more pictrures later this winter and I will surely get some of Courtney.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Good Team Work

The lawn crew we hired finally came by to do their work the other day. Nice thought, Tony is our lawn crew. Specially since I am out of order to help in the lawn area. Caleb loves to go outside any time Daddy goes out the the door. He knows that there is some sort of manly adventure that he can be apart of. This time it wasn't the chain saw to cut wood,
but the lawn mower. That is a big boy toy that Daddy will let him touch and even help a little. It is always interesting to watch little ones want to be apart of the chores when they are little, then when they get older it doesn't always seem as much fun. LOL. Courtney and I were talking about the dishes the other day. "She said, Momma remeber how I would BEG you to help wash the dishes? What was I THINKING??" We giggled.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Has It Almost Been a Year?

Just a quick update until I have a chance to upload a few pictures. Life in Sulpizio Land has been on a consistant roll. The kids are doing wonderful. Courtney is now a freshman. She was a bit nervous but of course she is amazing. I am so thankful for her diligent work ethic when it comes to school. She really works hard and is such a wonderful example to Gracie and Caleb. Courtney will be fif-teen in November. She is already looking forward to driving. I have let her drive our little Aveo a few times (the beep beep) to teach her stick shift. We had so much fun. She really did a fabulouse job for her first few times. We will practice more later we still have some time before we need to get to serious.,
Gracie is in second grade this year. She works hard and loves to read. Gracie also just had her birthday, she turned seven. Hard to believe how fast she is growing up. She is a big girl now, that is for sure. Gracie and Caleb are best buds for the most part and really spend much of their time playing together. Here lately the two of them play quite a bit of school. Go figure. I would think they would be tired of school by the time their actual school day is over.
Caleb is a little ham! He just turned four in July and is turning into such a big boy. We started K4 this year. So far so good. He enjoys learning how to write and numbers but phonics seems to be his least favorite. I got tickled with him on our first craft together. He gets a bit crazy with scissors. So that is a team effort for sure. He spends the rest of his day playing with his sisters, he LOVES Buzz Lightyear and Woody. I am surprised at how long "Toy Story" has been the movie/toy of choice. As a matter of fact, I have a very cute picture of him wearing a Buzz dress up costume that he got for his Birthday. Maybe I might post some pictures with this after all.
Tony has been going stong with school himself. He recieved his bachelors in June. Oh, how excited I am for him and for myself that there was a break from college. He is now in full swing again working on his masters degree. During his break I kept him very busy. He worked on wood for the winter. We have been so blessed by a gentleman in our church that has been such a help. He has what us wives call big boy toys, a tractor and a spliter that he let us use along with his personal help to get such a big job done. Also a couple other guys from church offered their muscle to speed things along. So we have enough wood split for the entire winter. What a BLESSING!!!
As for myself the last year has been an adventure.In November my momma and sister came out for Courtney's birthday. I love having family visit, it is always hard when they leave but I really enjoy it when they are here! I was able to go with Courtney to New York in December. That was beyond cool! I loved it, and enjoyed making memories with her! In May my brother came for a visit and surprised me when he brought my Dad along. (Poor Mom H. had a really bad back issue and couldn't make the trip. We missed her very much.) We went to the USS Constitiution only to find out the ship tours were closed that day but we were able to visit the muesum that they have. So much fun and kid friendly. We also went to see the Cape Cod Chip Factory in Cape Cod Mass. I wanted to see this and was very excited because on line the tour looked intersting how they made chips. Lets just say it was a MAJOR let down. It is funny looking back but at the time I was disapointed and felt like it was a rip off of time to drive to the Cape, to walk down a halway and that was "the so called tour". Never the less, the day at the Cape was a ton of fun with Dad and Andy. You ALWAYS have fun if Andy is around! Through out the last year I have had quite a bit of severe back pain. We did a couple rounds of steroid shots, with physical therapy and it helped but, the nerve issues were still there. In the beginging The Doc had talked about surgery but wanted to try other avenues first. (I was all for trying something else first) But on June 25th I had an emergency situation that put me in surgery before the day was over. I was in the hospital four days. I was so happy to get to come home!!! I am doing well now; I will be dealling with some issues that will take time to heal and possibly may not. Either way I am blessed to be able to walk. God is good to me and through all of this He takes care of me. The bright part in that whole crazy adventure is that Mom H. came out to be with us and help around the house for a week. Not to mention how sweet my church family was to us also. Now I am back to work and home school is up and going. It feels good to be some what back to normal. What ever that might be. Summer is cooling into fall and we are looking forward to apple picking, baking, and wood fires this time of the year brings.
Okay my quick update turned into a long update, none the less I finally updated!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

14 Already???

It is hard to believe that it is possible, but my Courtney (lovingly called Magoober) is now 14. Time has flown by and she is growing up, sometimes quicker than I can keep up with. I could not ask for a more wonderful daughter. She loves and serves the Lord, she is a wonderful sister that for the most part (she rightfully has her moments) loves her sister, and brother to pieces, and she is a HUGE blessing to Tony and I. She is a cornerstone in our family and I am thankful that the Lord chose me to be her Momma! Happy Birthday Magoober!!